Meeting this Active Rain Member in Person

In late June, Real Bird invited a guest speaker to their webinar who was quite dynamic. I missed the actual session, as I often do, so I listened to the rerun and was very excited by many of the aspects the guest speaker covered. I reached out to her by phone around July 4 (I only remember because I had to tear myself away from the conversation to go to a fireworks display with my family). I left a message, figuring I would not hear back at least over the weekend but guess what she called back. We probably spoke about an hour and I found it a great time of sharing and I really learned a tremendous amount of a very different and refreshing approach to internet exposure – with a focus on getting Listings. I’ve read a huge number of blog and other articles she has and they are equally impressive and straight forward! We also talked about business organization and how to delegate. She was as excited and enthusiastic on the phone as she was on the webinar presentation and I found her very personal with a great focus on family.

I always enjoy spending time talking to individuals who have raised a large family to get their spin on things. She had 9 children and we have 6. She talked about her youngest son and his baseball accomplishments and I told her about my twin daughters who are professional ballerinas. I’m very excited about the connection and I look forward to taking a coaching session and/or course from her soon. I know with the internet and sessions like “go to meeting” etc. we don’t have to necessary meet but I really do hope our paths cross in person at some point, I think it would be like running into an old friend. The Active Rain member I’m talking about is Katerina Gasset. If you ever have an opportunity to hear her speak or work with her you will appreciate her openness with ideas and sharing.

About Deborah Laemmerhirt, CT,Newtown, Bethel, Ridgefield, Redding,Roxbury,Bridgewater (Previews - Coldwell Banker - CT)